True Grade FAQ

General Information

Q: What is True Grade?
A: True Grade is a comprehensive platform that provides collectors with the most valuable and relevant information about their collectibles including accurate identification, authentication, grading, and valuation.

Q: What types of collectibles does True Grade specialize in?
A: Currently, True Grade specializes in coins, stamps, cards, and comic books, but new collectible series and types are added every day. If you want a specific collectible category, please reach out to us to let us know.


Q: What are the main services provided by True Grade?
A: True Grade offers four main services:

  • Identification: Understanding exactly what collectible you have.
  • Authentication: Verifying the collectible is not a fake or forgery.
  • Grade: Assessing the condition of your collectible and assigning a value based on industry standards.
  • Valuation: Calculating the exact market worth of your specific collectible.

Q: How does True Grade's AI identification tool work?
A: True Grade utilizes image recognition AI to accurately identify your collectible so you know exactly what item you possess. In addition, any item that is then submitted to community grading gets several expert human identifications so you can be confident in your collectible portfolio.

Q: What is community grading and how does it work?
A: Community grading involves submitting photos of your collectible to our network of experts who vote on the grade or grade range for a given collectible, providing a highly accurate and fair assessment without the need for physical shipping.

Q: How does the True Grade valuation engine determine the value of my collectibles?
A: Our valuation engine uses a robust database of all recorded sales for collectibles, inflation data, material values (e.g., gold prices for coins), demand data, and our proprietary algorithm to determine an accurate market price for your collectible.


Q: Do I need to ship my collectible to True Grade for evaluation?
A: No, True Grade allows you to get your collectibles identified, authenticated, graded, and valued without ever leaving your possession. Everything is done digitally through our platform.

Q: How long does it take to get a valuation from True Grade?
A: Valuations are calculated immediately and are updated constantly so you can be informed as to your collectible's value despite any changing economic conditions.

Q: Is the grading provided by True Grade subjective?
A: All grading is subjective; however, True Grade's community grading tools reduce subjectivity by leveraging the collective expertise of our network, providing a grade and a range for better accuracy. When multiple experts all submit their grade, you can have much more confidence in the grade.

Accuracy and Trust

Q: How accurate is True Grade's valuation?
A: True Grade's valuation engine is the most accurate in the industry, constantly updating with the latest data to reflect current market conditions and trends. Additionally, True Grade's engineer calculates everything that would affect your collectible's value.

Q: How does True Grade ensure the authenticity of a collectible?
A: Our authentication process involves advanced AI tools and community expert verification to ensure that your collectible is genuine, as well as provide insights for how you can determine the authenticity for yourself.

Support and Expansion

Q: What if I have a collectible that True Grade doesn't currently support?
A: We are constantly expanding our database and services. Please contact our support team with details about your collectible and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Q: How can I contact True Grade for support or additional questions?
A: You can reach out to our customer support team via email at [email protected] or through our contact form on the website.

Industry Challenges

Q: What are the common challenges in the traditional identification, authentication, and grading industry?
A: Traditional methods often involve high costs, lengthy processes, and the need to ship items to physical centers, which can be risky and inconvenient. Additionally, traditional grading can be subjective, sometimes resulting in lower valuations than deserved.

Q: How does True Grade address these challenges?
A: True Grade offers a modern solution with AI identification tools, community grading, and a real-time valuation engine. Our services are fast, cost-effective, and eliminate the need for shipping collectibles, ensuring they remain safe in your possession.


Q: Why should I choose True Grade?
A: True Grade offers the most accurate and comprehensive services in the industry, empowering collectors with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions. Our platform is designed to bring collectibles into the AI and information age, ensuring you get the best possible value for your items.

Q: How can I get started with True Grade?
A: Simply create an account on our website, upload detailed images and descriptions of your collectibles, and let True Grade's advanced tools and community of experts provide you with accurate identification, authentication, grading, and valuation.

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